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Strona: [1]
Wersja: Heroes V - Dzikie Hordy
Wielkość: XL - Bardzo Duza
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 7 w tym jako ludzie: 4
Sojusze: 0
Język:   Angielski
Autor: Mrs. Mouzik
Rozmiar pliku: 449.35 KB
Dodano: 09.09.2014 roku Pobrano: 2359 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: Seize the road of the unknown and let your destiny be revealed...
SAFETY WARNING!!! This map is looong and challenging!!!
Plz download "Twilight World" to get the MOD containing Balrocks
Some practical info to guide you on your journey is crucial:
SOLO vs AI: PL 1 against 3&5. Leave out 2,4,6 & 7. (Or 2 vs 4&5).
For greater challenge: Play as 6 or 7. (6 vs 3 & 5) or (7 vs 4 & 5).
MULTIPLAYER: Same setup (play as 1&2 or 6&7) - for simultanious turns most of the game, only keep PL 5 as AI or none at all.
Looking for a memory mentor? Just keep looking, maybe you'll make it that far, but don't cry if you dont...
Strony: [1]